Your freedom is worth more than you think. Take advantage of it while you can.
Be smart - Be a Zend Cert Zend Certified Engineer.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

:43things: Who want to become Zend Certified Engineer

Just added "Become a zend certified engineer" to my 43 things to do

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

:ZCE: Programming ABC

Little programming, little power;
Some programming, some power;
Much programming, much power!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

:ZCE: Speciall offer

What a great day for Jordan php community, I have got a great offer from Zend Technologies for Jordan php Community

Offer One:
PHP Certification Exam voucher $125 instead of $200.

Offer Two:
PHP Certification Exam voucher + PHP Certification Guide + PHP Practice book = $150

if you are interested contact me, contact[at]jadmadi[dot]net

This offer comes directly from Zend technologies and I'm just forwarding it.
I am NOT Zend personnel or affiliate with Zend technilogies.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

:ZCE: exam preparation

ZCE exam preparation

:ZCE: Learning A, B, C

As I mentioned in my last post, I will be learning from scratch, and today I found two great articles about Learning, both are not technical articles at all, just a How-to learn/read.

Learning PHP Using the DIY Method
Using the Manual at

Thursday, June 09, 2005

:ZCE: Terms you will need to understand

As i'm trying to learn it again from scratch as a refreshment and more deeply understanding of language, so here is the terms to understand

  • Language and platform

  • Language construct

  • Data type

  • opening and closingt tags

  • Expression

  • Variable

  • Operation and operator precedence

  • Conditional structures

  • Iteration and Loops

  • Functions

  • Variable variables and Variable functions

:Voucher: Zend PHP Certification Voucher Information

Okay, I just got my Voucher, and thats a big Step
now i'm thinking for focus on the exam and make it within a month or as a MAX 45 days

Hello Jad Madi,

Thank you for purchasing Zend PHP Certification at!

Your voucher information is:

The next step is to schedule your exam. Go to , create an
account, and select your preferred testing center, date, and time. On the
payment page enter your voucher information.

Please keep this email for future reference. You may also access your
voucher information through your Pickup Depot found at:

For help, email us at:

Good Luck!

Team Zend

Friday, June 03, 2005

:ZCE: I decided to do it

Hello and welcome to Zend PHP certification blog!!

Thanks for Zend for making PHP Cert possible, actually as a Web developer trying to compete in Web development field, Zend php Certification is a Must, and thats what I'm working on.

This blog meant to be daily dairy of ZCE candinate, to share experience with others, I will be posting a weekly update and might be daily *Depends on my laziness* about every topic I pass reading and practicing it, and every topic I stuck at.

That was for today, see ya tomorrow